
second quarter 2017


26 June 2017 - Plundering Africa (Season 2)

A new study, that updates work conducted in 2014, shows that every year, Africa pays more to the rest of the world than it receives from it. This challenges the myth that Africa is ‘an assisted continent’. [read]

13 June 2017 - Low agricultural prices, debt, farmer suicides, strikes and ban of purchases of cattle for slaughter: India’s agricultural crisis

The Indian government faces an intensified movement of protest by farmers [read]

18 May 2017 - US Food and Agriculture: present and (perhaps) future situation

For the first time, in 2014, US consumers paid more money for prepared foods than for foods to be prepared at home. This evolution may anticipate on the evolution of food consumption in the rest of the world. [read]

12 May 2017 - What can FAO offer to the world in the domain of food and agricultural policies?

A new web portal informs on activities carried out by FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) in the field of food and agricultural policies, and presents resources useful to professionals, academics and a wider public.  [read]

25 April 2017 - To eat more fruits and vegetables is fine. But which ones?

Did you know that in France, apples are treated more than 35 times? [read]

Last update:    July 2017

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